• 16 West St, Warwick NY 10990 US
  • 800.926.6736
  • 16 West St, Warwick NY 10990
  • 800.926.6736


Privacy Policy

PRIVACY NOTICE (Effective Date: 10/29/2018) Passport recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of Personal Information you may provide your employer when you use the Passport Mobile Application (“Mobile App”). Passport is the owner and operator of the Passport Mobile App and has agreed to collect and transfer the Personal Information as confidential information of your employer and in accordance with all applicable privacy and data security obligations. Passport will pass through the Personal Information to Kronos and such Personal Information shall be handled, stored and governed by the Privacy Policy located https://www.kronos.com/privacy-policy. “Personal Information” is information that identifies you as an individual and may include, without limitation, the following information: your name, organization name, mailing address, email address, and phone number(s). The Mobile App contains Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking and navigation features and relies upon device-based location information. When you submit Personal Information to the Mobile App you represent that you have received consent from your company to submit such information through the Passport Mobile App. This Privacy Notice applies to Personal Information Passport collects through its Mobile App provided through a mobile device that you use for your employment, either through a company supplied device or a personal device that you use for work. Children Under the Age of 13 Passport’s Mobile App is not intended for children under the age of thirteen (13). No one under the age of thirteen (13) may provide any Personal Information to or on the Mobile App. Passport does not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under the age of thirteen (13). If you are under the age of thirteen (13), do not use or provide any information on this Mobile App or on or through any of its features, register on the Mobile App, make any service requests through the Mobile App, use any of the interactive or public comment features of this Mobile App or provide any information about yourself to us, including your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address or any screen name or user name you may use. If we learn Passport has collected or received Personal Information from a child under thirteen (13) without verification of parental consent, Passport will delete that information. If you believe Passport has any information from or about a child under thirteen (13), please contact Passport at info2@passportcorp.com Information Gathered Information You Input to Mobile App Passport may collect and retain any information you provide when you visit the Mobile App, including when you fill out a form or otherwise provide Personal Information on the Mobile App. Automatically Collected Information Passport may collect information about you and your devices automatically when you visit our Mobile App, including information such as: • your IP address which may reveal a user’s general location; • location information, such as the geo-location of your device (GPS information). When you use the Mobile App, Passport may collect information about your precise geolocation information (i.e., your real-time geographic location) • the type of browser, device and operating system you use; • identifiers associated with the device you use to access our Mobile App; • the pages you visit and the features you use, including dates and times; • if you navigated from or navigate to another webMobile App, the address of that webMobile App; • information regarding your internet service provider; and • information regarding the effectiveness of our email and other communications with you In addition, Passport may collect information about your activities on its Mobile App through the use of cookies, or web beacons, or through other identifiers or technologies, including similar technologies as they may evolve over time. Those technologies are referred to collectively as “Data Technologies.” Passport may allow third parties to use Data Technologies on our Mobile App. The information collected by Data Technologies may be shared with and used by your employer, Passport and by others acting on behalf of your employer or Passport (including Kronos, Inc.), or by third parties subject to their own privacy policies. Information collected by Data Technologies may be used on this Mobile App or on other webMobile Apps or services, including those that may not be operated by us. Information from Other Sources Passport may obtain information about you or users from third parties. This information may include information about your use of this Mobile App, use of the Passport Mobile App or data from Kronos, in connection with your employer’s electronic time capture program. Passport may combine the information obtained from third parties with information that it has collected in order to provide the electronic time capture functionality to your employer. How We Use Information We Gather Your IP address is used to help identify you and to gather broad demographic information. Passport may use your IP address to help protect companies and their partners from fraud. For system administration purposes, Passport also logs IP server addresses and catalogues traffic patterns through the Mobile App. However, Passport does not link this information to users' Personal Information. Data Retention and Security Passport retains information you provide, including without limitation Personal Information, for as long as necessary to: (a) permit Passport to use it for purposes described in this Notice, and (b) comply with applicable laws or regulations. Passport uses physical, logical, and procedural security measures to protect the information you provide to Passport. The safety and security of your information also depends on you. Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password for access to certain parts of our Mobile App, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. While Passport uses commercially reasonable steps to protect the Personal Information you provide to us from unauthorized access, use or disclosure, unfortunately, no Internet data transmission can be guaranteed to be secure from access by unintended recipients. We are not responsible for circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained on the Mobile App. If you have any questions about security on our Mobile App, please direct all questions to info2@passportcorp.com Links The Mobile App may contain links to other webMobile Apps that are operated or owned by third parties. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you are navigating to another webMobile App. Passport does not monitor the privacy practices or, or exercise authority over, those third parties. Passport encourages you to read the privacy policies of these linked webMobile Apps as their privacy policies may differ from ours. Passport is not responsible or liable for the privacy practices or the content of these third-party webMobile Apps; if you access a third party webMobile App from our Mobile App, you do so at your own risk. If you have any questions, complaints or feedback about the practices of the Mobile App or the information you have submitted to the Mobile App, you can contact Passport at: info2@passportcorp.com